10 Types of Procrastinations: Which One Are You?

10 Types of Procrastinations: Which One Are You?

10 Types of Procrastinations: Which One Are You?

By Hadi Brenjekjy

It’s easy to get distracted by social media posts and notifications from our phones. Even though technology and apps are supposed to help us, they usually pull us into procrastination, making it hard to focus on what we really need to do. The rush of scrolling through TikTok or watching Netflix series can feel too good to resist.

In this article, I will go through 10 types of procrastination to help you identify which one you are. Knowing your type of procrastination will help you overcome it and start achieving more in your day. Let’s go through the types of procrastination together.

What’s the deal?: This is when you put things off because you are scared, scared of messing up, scared of failing, or just scared of feeling bad. It’s like you are so freaked out about the outcome that you would rather not even start.

How it looks IRL: You have a big presentation coming up, but instead of working on it, you find yourself doing anything else! watching dog videos, organising your closet, or deep-cleaning your bathroom. Anything to avoid that stress!

What’s the deal?: You want everything to be perfect. So perfect that you spend forever tweaking and adjusting and never actually finish anything. It’s about that anxiety of things not being good enough.

How it looks IRL: You have been working on an essay for weeks, and it’s already great, but you keep rewriting the intro because it’s just not “perfect” yet. Deadline’s in an hour, but here you are, still stuck on the first paragraph.

What’s the deal?: You love the adrenaline rush. You put things off until the last possible moment because you think you work better under pressure or just enjoy the thrill of racing against time.

How it looks IRL: It’s the night before a major project is due, and you are just starting. Your heart’s racing, you are caffeinated out of your mind, and somehow you are more focused than you have been all week.

What’s the deal?: You can’t make decisions. You are so worried about making the wrong choice that you end up making no choice at all. It’s like being stuck in a loop of “What ifs?”

How it looks IRL: You have got two job offers, and instead of deciding, you have been weighing the pros and cons for weeks, afraid of choosing one and regretting it.

What’s the deal?: You have got a giant task ahead, and it’s so intimidating that you don’t even know where to start. So, you just… don’t.

How it looks IRL: Your room is a disaster zone, but instead of tackling it, you lie in bed staring at the ceiling, completely paralysed by the thought of having to clean.

What’s the deal?: This is your standard operating procedure. You put off everything, all the time, and it’s starting to affect your life in a major way.

How it looks IRL: You are always late on bills, constantly missing deadlines, and your email inbox is a nightmare. It’s like you are stuck in a never ending cycle of delay.

What’s the deal?: Fun comes first, responsibility comes… never? You are all about instant gratification and avoiding anything that feels like a chore.

What’s the deal?: You have got homework, but instead, you are on your third hour of a YouTube video. That pile of work can wait, but the next video in your recommended? Not so much.

What is the deal?: You are paralysed by indecision. Its not so much a choice as it is feeling completely stuck. You want to act, but you just… can’t.

How it looks IRL: You have got an important email to send, but you have been staring at a blank screen for an hour because you have no idea how to start.

What’s the deal?: You are a bit of a daredevil with deadlines. You delay tasks on purpose, convinced that working under pressure brings out your best work. You are aware you are procrastinating, but you lean into it.

How it looks IRL: You plan to start your term paper at 10 PM the night before it is due because you are sure that the stress will somehow transform you into a productivity machine.

What’s the deal?: You are still avoiding the big stuff, but at least you are getting something done. It is like you are using small tasks to avoid the big, scary ones.

How it looks IRL: Instead of starting your huge work project, you decide it’s the perfect time to organise your files, clean your desk, and make your 10th cup of coffee.

Procrastination is not about being lazy, it is a complex web of emotions, fears, and habits. But knowing why you procrastinate is the first step to breaking free. So, after knowing about the types Procrastination, what is your type? and what are you going to do to become more productive?

LIA offers a great resource on motivation and how to overcome procrastination, you can visit it by clicking the the hyperlink.

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